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Integrated microfluidic device for cell-based drug metabolism

We presented a multiple layer microfluidic device integrating sol-gel bioreactor, and cell culture chamber with downstream separation channel. The soluble drug is incorporated into the so-gel bioreactor. The device can be used to characterize the cytoxicity of drug metabolite via fluorescence imaging and separation determination of drug metabolite via UV detection simultaneously.

Integrated microfluidic device for cell-based drug metabolism

Lab on a Chip 2009, 9(2), 232-238

Microvalve-based Microfluidic Array for Individual C.elegans Assay

A programmable microvalve-based microfluidic array was proposed for real-time and long-term monitoring of single C.elegans under chemical stimulation. By activating the microvalves, the single worm could be immobilized and released flexibly. The long-term monitoring the mobility and neuron behaviors of C.elegans could be realized, which is useful for single worm analysis.

Microvalve-based Microfluidic Array for Individual C.elegans Assay

Biomicrofluidics , 2009, 3, 044114

Droplet microfluidics for Individual C.elegans Assay

We construct a droplet microfluidic system consisting of a droplet generator and trapping array for individual C.elegans analysis. The worm can be encapsulated into the parallel series of droplets and the mobility behaviors of C.elegans in response to neurotoxin could be characterized at single animal resolution, which might find application in drug screening.

 Droplet microfluidics for Individual C.elegans Assay

Lab on a Chip, 2008, 8, 1432-1435

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